
One-day adventures that can include a classic peak (Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Pen y Fan). If you prefer not to be among the hoards, we can go off the beaten track and explore some fantastic, unpopulated areas, bagging several peaks during the day. Groups of up to 6 (max);

Two-day adventures where we get off the beaten track and wild camp for one night before our return the following day. Groups of 2(min) to 4 (max);

Corporate days. Are you with a group of colleagues training for a classic event or attempting a big charity walk? Whether you want to walk or ‘yomp’ the day I can offer an escorted, safe ‘dry run’. We can also discuss kit choice, pacing etc.

On our adventure, we can either:

·         push hard and go for distance and peak-bagging or

·         take it easy and enjoy the flora & fauna, while learning some basic map and compass skills or

·         take it very easy and just enjoy the wide-open space and tranquillity that the mountains offer....’s your day, at your pace.

Adventure days are charged per instructor not per person: e.g. a group of 4 each contribute 1/4 of the cost.